Friday, June 27, 2008


The Garden

The Garden Dirt Jumps June 1, 2008 from Ted Blanco on Vimeo.

Free Rider Ted made a short edit of some of the work and riding that has been going on at the new trails.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Music

So, I have been posting more about music than I have bike riding. I have been having fun on my bike and helping out at the trails, but have lost motivation to document it. I know ityou want pics s maybe I will try for next time.

That being said the Belmont Arts and Music Fest is this weekend in Chicago. Saturday night Cursive is playing and Sunday night the Smoking Popes are playing. Its been a pretty good summer for seeing good bands at block parties!

The tentative date for the upcoming trails jam at "The Garden" (blame Logan) is July 6th. A lot of people have been putting in hours behind the shovel to get the place dialed in for the event. I will put a flyer up when everything is official.

Monday, June 23, 2008